William Wyler directs this 1960s psychological thriller based on the novel by John Fowles. Terence Stamp stars as Freddie Clegg, a lonely man who collects butterflies. After winning a bet and buying...
Classic British horror starring Tallulah Bankhead as the fanatically religious Mrs Trefoile, a psychotic woman who, with the help of her gardener, Joseph (Donald Sutherland), imprisons her dead son's...
Based on real life war diaries, Before Dawn is an epic retelling of one of Australia's biggest military victories during World War I. Jim Collins (Levi Miller), a young man from the outback, leaves...
Arthur Penn directs this 1960s crime drama starring Warren Beatty. When an unremarkable stand-up comedian finds himself on the wrong side of the Mafia he flees Detroit for Chicago and takes on the...
Eleventh entry in the 'Carry On' series. Marshal P. Knutt (Jim Dale), an English sanitary engineer, accidentally becomes the sheriff of Stodge City in the Wild West and must help a young woman defeat...
Animated musical fantasy following Jack Skellington (voice of Chris Sarandon), the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town. When Jack, tired of the same celebrations each year, discovers Christmas Town, he...
Collection of five films from writer/director Jean-Luc Godard. 'Breathless' (1960) follows the brief love affair between petty criminal Michel (Jean-Paul Belmondo) and young American student Patricia...